Sunday, November 11, 2012

Aham, the Me: Profiling The Gay Bitch!

by Harish Iyer

Disclaimer: before you start bitching about this article. Let me tell you that this is a post about some gays, and definitely not all gays. I am in no way generalizing. And if you get offended by this article, may be, you are the gay bitch I’m talking about. This is an account of the different kind of bitches that I have found and about their fake prides and real prejudices.

I wonder sometimes what the Akhil Bharatiya gay Samaj is all about? Before I opened the doors of the closets to smell fresh air, I remember I encountered many types of this vicious animal called the gay bitch – I hope animal rights activists don’t take offence to the word ‘bitch’. I am a bitch lover myself. With all due respect to animals, the creatures I’m talking about are pests without breasts. They have an innate ability to speak about anything and everything from Botox to buttocks. They are a walkie-talkie encyclopaedia of everything queer. But Aami Shotti Bolchi! My list is in no way comprehensive. And may be, I also would fall in one of these categories.
Bottom Pinch!

I don’t do THAT with anybody and everybody OKAY! Fuckta (‘only’- in marathi) boyfriends

Hold On! Never disrespect their posterior. Their back is not some kirana ka dukaan (mom and pop stores) that dick-headed wholesalers can stock their groceries over. These are the monogamous glam dolls of tinsel town. They are exclusive. They don’t suffer fools. They are the pristine majestic queens.

I encountered one recently and got too close for comfort. I was just going to build a temple in my mind for this devi who I thought was ganga ke jaise pavitra. (holy as river Ganges) only to realize that this river has been overflowing. Even the once-upon-a-queer watchman has visited this holey shrine (pardon the typo). In fact, I really wished to add his holeyness as one of the many tourist attractions in Bombay. I’m sure, anyone and everyone who is even remotely-occasionally- periodically-seasonally gay and has visited Bombay has at least once, has not only most definitely visited the Gateway of India, but also has sunk in this river. And he was right, they all were boyfriends. Relationships with tourists are butt short-lived. Ass the flight takes off, another lands- life goes on.
Bedroom = Drawing Room!

and you know… he was so short

These are the kind of people who are bubbly and hip. They have a clean heart. They tell it all and make their Dil halka (lighten the heart). And when they have told-it-all they can take the next download from the next gay guy around. They may not be able to solve your problems. But will be there to laugh it out and discuss. It is called ‘lightening the mood’ (not yours, but theirs)

My experience with such people has been great. With people like these porn-audio-books will have no market. I have also been educated about my near and dear ones by them. They know who does what and how well. They disclose their bedroom secrets with panache and élan. They have an eye for detail even when I don’t have the ears for detail. They warn you so that you even by mistake don’t indulge in an UFO moment in your sacred space in the Queer World. (UFO = Unintentionally Fornicating Objects). You need to ensure that you don’t wake up on the wrong side of the bed with them. (If you know what I mean) for even the beauty spot in your butt will be magnified for public viewing pleasure. Well, this is what I call “pimples in the butt of humanity.”
The Virile Viral Giants

… this guy is such a show off

This is the kindest prototype of the desi gay species. They are kind in the real world. Real kind people. They appear to be those few doting friends you can always count on. They are the ones who appear to complete your world with all the niceness and goodness. They are sweeter than saccharine, cuter than a pug puppy, fresh and positive as a sun flower. They are all that you would want in a perfect person.

Wonder why then they are totally different online. I mean, they are so mean online that even the good old mother-in-laws of Hindi television will be given a run for their money. They are the uncrowned vamps of the facebook world. They tweet a never-ending attack until you scream in agony. They are like loose motion. Their attack is pungent. They are the people who would be blue colored in real life and will have screen shots of blue films in gay dating sites. Their profile in gay dating sites would read “NO CLEAR FACEPIC. NO REPLY”, it is an irony that their pics would be of their genitals. (I tell myself “so what? Honey! May be they feel that’s their face pic”) They would start a whole campaign to vilify someone. They are sometimes homos in real world but still in the closet. Kudos to their skill to be a part of the queer world yet launch an attack from within. Now I know where the phrase “meri billi aur mujhi se meow?” (My cat and she meows me?) comes from.
Zip it!

schhhhhhh…. It’s a secret

Closets are the sexiest place for some people. They maintain the secrets there. The secrets are well guarded. And there is no possibility of a leak anywhere.

Yeah… I know of a group of such people who are secretive with everybody. I was told about a secret by ten different people about one person. But yes, it is still a secret. Also, there are secrets like having sex with a closeted guy. I know a guy who was closeted. So closeted that in his early twenties, his count of sexpedes has almost reached 200, so I presume that he is closeted with everybody, and everybody is closeted with everybody, so no one knows! What a well guarded secret! even Sherlock homes can’t find out. Ain’t it?
The Religious Types

… can I enter into nirvana

God is in them – they have divinity flowing in every cell of their body. You are engulfed in the aroma of agarbattis (incense sticks) and mombattis (candles) as soon as they open their mouth. And you feel like you are floating in the cosmos with some fluorescent light acting as a halo around your head when you are with them. That blessed you are with divine bliss!

The problem is that the halo is hollow. The extension of religion is on regions even religion would have not thought about. Like I had this ‘encounter’ with this guy some ten years back, we dated over yahoo messenger. He spoke about the bad sex he had, and good sex he had and the usual sex he had. He spilled a lot of beans about the cherries that he popped in. He informed me that he was orally explicit. (I heard him say ‘yumm’) Our web cams knew more about us. And we wished we met in real. And then the day arrived. It was his house and his velvet bed. He was all over me… Suddenly reality struck me like a thud. This man said that he will not engage in oral sex as he is vegetarian… Puzzled, I asked “heinnn… so what’s that got to do with oral sex” and he replied “I am a. And my religion doesn’t permit eating non-veg”. My orgasm responded quickly to this organism that had his head on just below my navel. And I lost my libido immediately. I replied “dude. This isn’t pork sausage”and my name is not “dinner”.

That’s what is called the trip of the lip of the divine consciousness. Khair chodo (well! leave it) , Guess, it isn’t sin to drive someone up the mountain and then pushing him to ensure he comes tumbling down. Huh!
F ‘n’ F

fuck and forget… married men.. no way

What on earth would do a married man?
Sin it is, to lie and lay.
to do a man during the wee- sunny hours ,
And sleep with a woman at the end of the day.

When we narrate incidences about married men keeping their wives in the dark, suddenly the andar-ki-feminist (the feminist within) of gay men finds an uprising. One of my friends told me “I had sex with him anyway – three times. But it just happened, I had not planned it. I am not the F n F (fuck and forget) types. I would not do married men consciously”. (Did that sound like “I am pregnant, but not my fault, it’s by accident”?) I was like “yaa baby. You did it thrice subconsciously-unconsciously”. Guess such minds should be preserved in a metaphysics museum. The fact is that most would care a duck about marital status if the guy was smoking hot.
English Babu

… LOTR is my DDLJ

English is at the tip of tongue of these people. They love English. They watch only English movies. And they have only English sex. I mean moaning in English. (Haven’t you heard the awww.. baby… go slow… baby” orgasm ?) Johny Depp is their Shahrukh Khan, and LOTR is their DDLJ. They have a great sense of English humour. They know the difference between English and Irish just as eloquently they can point the difference between American and Australian English. (It is not their fault that when they were born, first the encyclopedia popped out of the womb)

They wouldn’t have “fun” with desi guys (at least that’s what they say in sexclusive public forums) I know of people of the English Babu category whose fantasies would include the likes of construction workers and “rugged” Indian men (Rickshaw and Cabbbie Drivers can jump the queue) They would only have coffee at costa and barista. (Please ensure that you pronounce coffee in a way that the tip of your throat feels tickled- ‘KHAUFFF… EEEEE’). They hate GrammarGandus (grammar assholes) like me and read fat novels. Their general talks revolve around cars and bikes while other lowly creatures would be cribbing about the time table of local trains or metros going haywire. They are clearly the divide between HS (high society) and LS (low society). Everything that’s not English is LS. You have to shake your head and acknowledge – (understand this “emancipated into the doctrine of being flabbergasted about the core identity of queerdom and the hetronormitive nature of the homosapien that is lost in the core indulgence of fornication.” Didn’t understand? {rolls eyes and says to self : Fuck! Eww! How dumb! } And if you don’t know who Dumbledore uncle or Rowling aunty is then you are definitely simply not their “type’. Every party that plays Hindi music is a nautanki. Bollywood is a no brainer. “I wanted to go to a party, and uff.. I came to this mujra” – have you heard that before?
Self- Confessed Saints

I like him. But I don’t like his devious ways.

The above statement doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like him Okay!. It only means that he doesn’t like him when he does something stupid, but likes him otherwise.

Such people think they are god’s gift to mankind. Every day there will be people thanking them on their facebook walls. They would have fan pages and secret admirers. Some would flaunt their photos with them, while others will simply make them their man-mandir-ka-devta. (God of the temple of the heart) They are the ones who flaunt their entourage of fans and are seen in TV all the time. (So much that if you don’t see them on TV you wonder “I hope he is alive”)

These people are like cats. They have 9 lives and rush behind the media like how your friendly neighbourhood Tom runs meowing behind fisherwomen. They are people who would orgasm instantly when you spell the M of media. Their eyes pop out and they turn into a different species when the camera is switched on. They recycle the same things in different words in different channels. (Well its not their fault if media calls them? – they say. Like they are the only gay man alive in India) They are shameless self patronizing kinds . These people will never take a stand because they are scared that their sacred position will be threatened by opponents. They are the do-gooders who will not risk their position by being the queer king speaking against anything or anybody. I wonder how they always have a sad story to share. I’m seriously bored of seeing them rant about their life perpetually virtually everytime.

These are people who bitch about the whole world in the pretext of writing an article on Gay Bitches. Media Sluts like Harish Iyer fall in this category. (Guess he has a Hate Page on facebook – let me go and LIKE that)

How convenient? Isn’t it?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Natural resonance theory ...

What do you do when you meet a person ? try getting a rough idea how he is. In India we start categorizing, well I know all you 'self-proclaimed-philosophers-cum-samaj-sudharaks' would bring out your knives against this religionists, cast based categorization, division on the ground of language (or accent) or locality, but from where I belong we do it all the time.
Any Indian that I meet (I'm using 'I' for sake of representation, we all know 'we' do it all the time) any India, I broadly classify him either from north, south (North-Easterner's are not much seen here) or from Maharashtra from his looks. Sometimes looks tell you about religion too and you have successfully broadly classified a person.

The next step involves, a polite conversation, The accent is enough to further classify the person on basis of his region. (In Maharashtra you can easily distinguish person from khandseh, kokan, widharba, marathwada, paschim-maharashtra or mumbai , pune just by accent of their Marathi).

Once this is done, we move onto the next part, we ask for surname and 'tada' our experience for these past year helps us to know his cast, sub-cast and if you belong to that sub-cast then category too !

somewhere, In next ten year or so, when Gay marriages would not be a dream and being gay would not be frowned upon I wonder on what level would a man be classified as gay, str8 or bisexual ...
before his religion, or before is locality or before linguistic classification...

 when the distinction should be between a good person and a bad person, my heart weeps when I look at the true state of society....  

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Self Engineered Slave

looking at the title many would abstain from further indulgence, but the turmoil in my body needs an exhaust and only through my pen ( because just by penis it's not happening) I can relieve myself from the Satan that makes the devil at the crotch to spring in action when abused. Once in action the devil down there drinks all the blood depriving my brain of its fair share only to grow in stature.  And then I surrender to him.

telling the story the chronological way make it easier to understand but at the same time many would not want to know what a seven year old kid was thinking when he was tying himself in chains when his parents were out working. This brings us back to where the very thought of writing this came.

I was casually surfing through my face book when  I stumbled across a status :
"For the first time ever I googled PR & then loaded the website. Eek, Am I despo or I'm just being inquisitive beyond my limits!?! XD"
there is nothing wrong with the status but the comment on it made me interested
"The dark side beckons little guy"

and flooding back came the memories,

                I was on my all four, stark naked. The extra fat that I had acquired from sitting in front of PC was dangling alongside my semi-erect cock.  I could hear the sound of movie being played on the TV and I could sense the climax scene going on. Neither I had the courage to look at the TV nor the strength to look up. The guy sitting in chair rested his legs on my back. The sharp edges of his shoe sole were hurting my back.  I did not look up ,he did not move his feet either.
                The Commercial brake on the movie channel made the guy mute the TV.
                "kuch piyega kutte?" he offered.
                the abuse made its impact on the little devil and he drank a little more blood of my brain.
                I looked up and nodded.
                he got up and went to a corner of room and beckoned me.
                "come doggy"
                I went crawling.
                He poured some water in the bowl kept.
                "come, drink it doggy"
                I tried lapping the liquid with my tongue, the liquid hit the ceiling of my mouth and caused discomfort. "come-on doggy, god boy, god boy"
                He was encouraging me to drink and I continued just to please him. The drinking was difficult and all I could manage was a few gulps of water. not that I was thirsty but it was about him not me.
                "ok buss ho gaya" he said.
                "now move three round around the room"
"yes, good"
"come-on fast"
the bare hand spank on my ass and I was lost into a paradise of pleasure, I crawled even faster.
he was encouraging me verbally and finally he did with a kick in my ass.
neither was the Spank painful nor was the kick. It was the prospect of someone having the power enough to kick on your rare with shoes that was making my dick tick.
another pat on head and with that came another command.
"lick my shoes"
"eakdum saaf kar , kutte ko dekha hai kya kabhi karte se? waise he kar"
I had stopped. For someone reading this it would be obvious that I must be thinking, thinking what should I do? any person in the situation has to be thinking. A aggressive natured person would have thought about getting up and giving a fight . or a passive-aggressive would have settled for a flight (running away). a passive natured would have thought about his hard luck that he was is this shit. he would have thought of how his inabilities has brought sorrow to his mind. But there were no thought in my mind. not a single one. for a day dreamer like me it was not unusual to think about random things while driving.  No examination went by where i was not thinking about what I would tell my friends after the exam or how well I would fare, or even how I would reach fame through this answer. yea I know they are what can be aptly termed as 'mungirilal ke hasin sapne', but still everyone has fault and constant thought was mine. but this thought was too missing.
I licked his shoes.
after a lick I looked up.
"uper kya dekh raha hai, chat acche se"
another lick , yet another and more.
"piche bhi chode maat"
I went between his shoes and licked.
He caught me between his legs and another few spanks came my way. He was randomly raining blow on my back and either ass cheeks.
"stay here" he ordered and went into bed room.
I did not look up. Nor did I raised my head when he came back.
he just came and stood there.
I was looking at the ground. Though I could see his legs , I stayed still.
A kick came my way. It was subtle but it landed on my mouth.
"jab kutta kuch nahi kar raha ho to usse malik ke jute chatne chaye. agli bar se yaad rukhna"
I looked up.
"samjha ka suwar?"
I nodded.
"fir gandu muh kya dekh raha hai, CHAT NA"
I got back to licking his other shoe.
"piche ka chat"
I went between his legs again. Anticipating spanks. but this time I was shocked and a yelp released my mouth as a cold leather hit my ass. The yelp was more due to surprise then the sting but it did shock me.
after a few more lashes, he released me out of his grip and said "well done kutte"
this with a few pats on my head.
then he put a leather collar around my neck
"you deserve this"
and as if a afterthought he added
"mai pahale din kisse belt nahi pehanata , tu lucky hai islia pehana raha hu. aab aram kar thodi der. yep crouch low"
after a few minutes he came back and attached leash to my collar. He then pulled me around the house a few times. a few times making me sit, crouch and try to stand with me still on knees. the right moves complimented wrong ones punished with a ball and cock squeeze or a kick on mu body.

After a few moment he took me into his kitchen directing me with leash and to my horror there was dog cage in which he wanted me to go.
I did.
he padlocked the cage.
"stay an all four. when u want to rest do it like a dog"
"samjha ka suwer?"
I nodded.
he tied the leash to the cage and was gone.
I heard a click and the light went out.
then the sound of door opening and getting latched came.
I realised that i was alone in the house. naked , locked in a cage below kitchen sink.
What had I got myself into?
There were no stray thought in my mind, a subtle numbness.
was it good to not think?
There was no guilty feeling, there was no sadness all I did was wait. After what it felt like an eternity he came back. the lights were switched on. He gave me no hint of his presence before he came.
"accah kutta."
he let me out of my cage. and gave his hand to lick.
he did not say anything. I licked it.
"you are getting better. "
"wag your tail."
"shake ur ass suwer, like u have a tail"
"wait lets provide u with a tail"
he brought a candle and pushed it inside my ass.
This was my first anal penetration. I tried taking my ass forward.
he grabbed my balls and pushed my ass onto the candle.
"itna andar thik hai"
I looked up in pain.
"kutte ki tarha puch lila madarchode"
a kick on my face was all it needed. and I shook it like a dog.
"mast kutte"
"wo corner mai ball hai dekh , mumh mai paked ke la "
I crawled to the corner, picked the yellow smiley sponge ball in my mouth and went back to him.
I dropped it near his legs. he picked it and threw it.
"catch it as it bounce"
"run doggy run"
the fetch-play continued for a few minutes and then we were back to his room where he sat on his mattress .
"remove my shoes with ur mouth"
I obliged.
"now socks"
this took me some time, but finally I did managed.
"pahele bar hai islia gand mai se nikal raha hu ye candle, warna suwar pura der andar he rukhta"
"der ho gai hai, aaj yehi rukega ?"
I finally spoke
"nahi ghur jaunga"

"madarchode har baar sir bolega"

"yes sir"

"mera tho man kar raha hai ki rukh lu tujhe yaha aaj"
"par thik hai tu jana chata hai to ja"
"kapde pahen le"

I went to hall where I had removed my clothes, I pulled my tea over my torso. I was about to wear my underwear when he said "iski jarurat nahi"
I pulled my jeans over my naked ass.
"collar rahene de, niche jake nikulanga"

I took my underwear and was about to keep them in my pocket when he said
"mere boot saaf kar unse"
I looked around and found a few pair lying in corner.
"the blue one"
I went and started cleaning them. when I was done I looked at him again.
"Bring them to me"
I picked them and was about to turn when he said
"chutiye haat se nahi"
"suwer ki aulad muh se utha k la"
I picked them and crawled back to him
"Itne jaldi aukat bhul gaya?"
"aab per chat mere, khush kar aapne malik ko. jab tak khush nahi karega, tab tak nahi chodunga"

I must be doing a good job. Coz he was enjoying. By this time the thinking was back. It was difficult for me to understand why I was doing it. but I did my job and he was happy to let me go.
we took the stairs on the way down and when we were below his building he took my collar off.
asked me if I was ok and we parted.

Right from the parting to the long walk back home (literally I walked 4kms at night from there to my relatives house where I was staying).........


Gholvad (Maharashtra)

                                The front window of the house opened to a fresh breeze from the sea. from the window one could see the Camping ground where students from nearby areas came for camping. Beyond the ground was the Arabian Sea. The sea was hidden from view by the 'suru' trees.
                                Usually all the doors and window of the house were open. Today the window of the house was closed. So were the doors. Inside a small boy was sitting in a corner only in his underwera. He had bound himself in few chains. The boy would be around 7years old.
                                If you could read the thought of that boy you would know he was imagining himself punished. The marks made by tear rolling from the eyes were shining in the small light that entered the room through a improperly closed window.
                                Thuk, Thuk,Thuk... There was knock on the door.
The kid removed the chains and carefully without making sound shoved the chain under the Cupboard. Then he struggled to get his yellow shorts on him and then finally the T-shirt.
He ran to the door and before opening it he glanced around to check if anything looked out of place. He finally open the door.
'kya hua ? itni der kyu lagi?' his mom asked.
'so raha tha'
'ye T-shirt ulta kyu pehana hai?.... idhar aa mai sidha kar deti hu'
He tried getting away but his mom caught his hand and pulled him towards her.
'Ro kyu raha tha'
'Ro nahi raha tha, mere aakh se pani aa raha hai' He lied.
'shaam ko doctor ko dekha denge. kya bahau nashte mai?'
'kuch bhi chalega'
'thik hai halwa banti hu'

Rahul was fighting tears, he did not want to tell his mom that he got bullied in school. He had lots of trouble with bigger kids in class before. But this particular kid was a big bully. he was twice the height of rahul and about four years older than him. In the PT period he would take rahul far away from rest of the class and spank him. either on his hand or ass with a wooden scale or the plastic ball kitchen he had.

'everthing alright?'
'yea mom'
Rahuls mom took him in her arm and rahul felt asleep in her care....

                My mom loved me very much. So did my father. I dont know where the problem of not getting enough affection comes from. ..... .... ...

Speak rudely to me, I would be rude to you.
Try crossing me, I would get my revenge.
If you are bad, I am worse...
Neither Passive, Nor Aggressive.... but a combination of both (I WONT CARE IF I LOOSE BUT WNT LET U WIN)
95% or may be more of my life I'm ordinary guy like you , but rest 5% is better kept a secret..
a secret that hides in my heart...
a secret that keeps eating me from inside...
a secret that has made me a hollow person...
a secret which that wont leak through my lips
but a secret that is leaving a black trail through my writing ....
The thought about being slave was always there, be it as a kid or as a Teenager. The intensity of the thought mattered. I had come across 'Ideal mind is devils workshop' a thousand number of time but the practical realization of the phrase did not strike me until this very moment of writing it. nevertheless  the kid mind was always busy doing studies, playing or watching cartoon. Teenage mind was no different but the new horizon for libido relief had emerged a hot favorite. The problem grew in youth. when the friends were chosen not by the fact who is made to sit beside you but by the social protocol of masculinity. The few effeminate were incorporated in group just to make fun of but majority like me were left isolated. With isolation came idleness and with idleness came the urge to be made slave.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tiger Growls ( Added Part V)

Life is Unjust : from a different perspective !

It another bloody rainy day.  It was my first day in engineering college and there was nothing cool about it.  Neither was the college awesome nor was the branch. The college was on the outskirts of Mumbai and fortunately for me it the college was near the Railway station. My friend woke me up at 8. He was so excited that he was ready to leave and had come to my home and was furious to find me sleeping. sometimes I really don't know why people give importance to stupid things?
philosophies apart, I was ready in jiffy and told my grandma that I would have something in the college canteen. we caught the 8.32 viraR local and were in the college building before 9.  I searched for my class and found it on the second floor. The pathetic college had load shedding and the lifts were not working. I had to climb my way up. I reached my class and was surprised to see it full. I want and occupied last bench.
"can I sit here?" somebody enquired.
I looked up, there was a slim guy in brown chquered short full sleeved shirt and a pretty gody jeans. his face was round and well oiled hairs. his hand was at awkward angle and it brought a laugh to my face.
"yes you can" I said. I had thought to add "but you may not" but judging by his looks he would not have understood the meaning. How can some boys be girlish I thought. at that point it seemed mobile was the only escape , I stared playing snake.
the first lecture was physics and it was start of a very gruesome experience. My cell was taken and my stupid girlish neighbor was shaking his legs.
"don't shake your legs" I said.
"why?" he asked. I was surprised he asked, by the looks he was shy.
" don't know , but everybody says so"

the days passed by and I kept surviving. RP as we started calling him look less likely to pass the exam. I was trying to keep afloat myself and my relation with 12th standard girlfriend was doing no good. Finally I decided to ditch her, She was losing her figure and it was now an embarrassment to hangout with her. Finding no reason to leave without a scandal her I thought maybe I should force her to give me a blow job, then she would leave me.
It looked a great plan especially when she had refused to give head on many occasion.  I called her to my second home one Friday night.  she came dressed in a black tee and Tight jeans reveling her fat ass .I wanted to give her raw so had not cleaned up after the Cricket match I played during the evening. I was in my jeans and had nothing on top. My nipples were hard by the prospectus of what I was going to do tonight. we had our usual chat and then I lead her to bed room. I sat on bed and push her towards wall.
"Strip" I said.
"I want to see you strip"
"but why?"
"I just want" I demanded.
I played music from my cell. I had 6600 then the best mobile available in market.
she started removing her clothes. the bitch had no sense of music, there was no body movement. she was just removing her clothes.
"done" she asked when she had reached her bra and panty.
"nope I want u completely naked" I said taking a sip.
she hesitated but obliged looking at my mood.
looking at her naked body my dick stirred. I drowned my whiskey and got up to kiss her. I smooched her and the devil in me spanked her ass.

my hand was hitting her ass one blow after another while my mouth made sure she dint move. finally she was able to push me away.
"are you mad?" she enquired.
I laughed.
" you have two choices , either know your place or get lost"
She stormed out and was gone when I went to make myself another glass.
I did not even had to make her drink my cum.
I know the story is about Ruchit, but you know he was quiet lost in his own world till the first sem result were out. But one thing was sure he was pansy.

Result was declared and its effect was no less than Nagasaki bombing. I had two backs , few had three and some were with a five star performance. Every one with backs tried seeking some condolence in thought that maybe Ruchit did even worse. I too wanted to ask ruchit his score (Though I was confident he would be having all his paper back, He was so dumb.)

I ran my hand through my locks  and looked up Ruchit was writing something on the 'green 'board . I was flabbergasted , a sense of
buoyancy seeped through the body. I looked again to verify the letters, they were still the same
' Don't believe the result , They ray ruchit has PASSED'
yep it looked true, how could he pass?  there was some technical error in uploading result on the web. He came towards the last bench and sat near me.
"how many backs ?" he enquired.
"I thought the result were faulty !"
"that was a cruel way to tell everyone I passed "
he laughed a hysteric laugh. it was such a tight slap to my face. mocking me on my face. This bloody bitch would be getting his share of shit. I promised myself will make him cry in front of the whole class.
I stormed out of the classroom.
the topic of discussion through the college remain same, Ruchit passing all subjects and all rathi-maharathi slummed  to the ground.
The pansy grew in stature giving senseless logics and making stupid jokes and few became leader of all together stupid heard. had dil-dosti-etc been released then, their group would have been called as FoSlay
Life went on and we had our annual sports, like expected the pansy failed in every form (could not even throw a ball properly) and I outshined everyone. Suddenly all the girls were by my side.
I bagged the best singer ,best singer and also the best dancer prize of the year. The group dance went flop but still it dint matter. I was where I belonged. The topper girl was too excited to teach me and by the amount of serious studies I did ,I knew I would cruise.
we were having our practices and none was interested in doing anything. Ruchit got to get some stuff .
"lets have some fun" I told everyone.
"what" asked a girl (name of girls don't matter in this story do they guys?)

"well let ruchit return, you'd know"
ruchit returned with some CRO probes. He arranged the setup as some gyani he was and then when he thought his setup was running tried to sit on his stool. I said tried to sit because as he was sitting I pulled his stool. he reached his destination, on the floor.
the comical fall raised giggles everywhere.
"you look awesome darling " I said.
this brought even more giggles.
he looked sad. I read the embarrassment in his eyes. This was just the start and little did that bitch know. I laughed as he looked at me. Such a pity and such a  pretty sight.

A few more week passed by and Ruchit was left out of all boys group going and watching 'GARAM MASALA'. But Somehow the news of  us going to 'RDB' (now if u ask me what it is , I'll have to come and cut ur throat, come-on guys you should go out for movies sometimes)  and we were a company of boys girls n Ruchi darling. much to my dismay or should I say gods poetic justice , he ended up sitting beside me. cracking his stupid logiks as the movie progressed had it not been for the exceptional concept, cinematography and dialogue of the movie I would have left midway, but  I remained seated .
It was my birthday and as usual a govt. holiday. We were in drawing class and during break  when I was consuming wada-paw Ruchit came from behind and clapped my back.
'hey ' I said. My mood being cheerful that day.
' I want to eat pizza'
'so ?' I was confused.
'you are paying'
'what for'
'Your birthday party'
'How do you know?'
he winked.
'any way you dint wish me.'
'I'll wish you once you give a chocolate'
'baadmai' I said.
he bowed and left.

Latter when I was giving party to both girls and boys. A girls enquired me why ruchit was not there. 'he does not fit in our crowd was my reply'. come-on guys even you know I was right. well actually The news about the party was known to Ruchi too, but he dint come uninvited. Bitch with Ego I suppose. I went to collect my Tiffin box from class when all invites were in hotel deciding about what to have, I saw ruchit. I saw in his eyes he wanted to come. He was hurt by his look (after all he knew he was the only one who wished me . I had let him know this thought ). But I asked for Tiffin from him and left. what I heard from behind was someone saying
'I thought he came for u'
I laughed fanatically, like I cared.


I woke up with a head ache. I looked around everything looked fuzzy. My body was tangled in rug. I tugged myself free. I Stumbled out of my bed and reached the bathroom mirror, washed my face a couple of time before gathering that I was  home. Relived by fact that I was home and still unsure about the tang that I had in my mouth. Maybe I thought I fucked my girlfriend last night. Gosh I could not remember anything. I walked back to bedroom. Scotty was sleeping there.
'fucking shit' I thought.
I tried remembering hard, My head started aching even more. I went and brushed, had bath and a lemonade. The headache was still there.
Scotty got up. He looked at me and smiled and then started laughing.
"I don't remember anything"
"how would you? you were dead drunk"
"come on will you tell"
"nothing much actually, Tanya came ,you had a fight, you got super drunk and ...."
(Tanya was my random fuck girl)
" and what? "
"and you , hmmm....." he laughed."Puked"
ha ha ha
"you won't tell anybody I puked"
"you know I won't" he winked.
we got dressed he left for his home and I went to my other home where my parents lived.


Ruchit was still the same. overconfident, unhinged, stupid  and pansy. Sometimes it's stupid how people think they r some heroes. I know he must be dreaming of saving damsels-in-distress, hitting last ball sixes, saving the world type of things. But the reality was 'with a phase shift of  180 degrees' as he would have termed it.
After the drinking incident, my drinking was toned down and so was my intersection with Scotty. My main concern was Scotties affinity towards ruchit, Scotty knowing a lot of my secrets. mean while Duke was becoming my fast friend. we had chat about all the fun boys do. we hanged out nicely, he was much better than Scotty. a man to respected. a man with his own ideas.
Scotty was dependent persona, few months before he did what I told and now he was being brain washed by Ruchit.
Exams were my concerns and I started studying. I fared well in practical and visas and did great in written.
Holidays were fun too, the second year had ended in my triumph. and I was looking  towards a better future.

well I was not aware if boys crave for boys, but the topic of GAY made me surf through a few info about GAY's. The few things which I learned were there were top's who wanted some piece of ass and there were bottom who happily provided it. well actually while doing so I did imagine Ruchit as a bottom who was happily sucking. Well you can't blame me, he was such a pussy.
During our practices ruchit being in my batch and no practices taking place, we (meaning Ruchit and I ) did some horseplay. Usually he would start( Like the girls do, when they want us to feel them up) either tickling or pinching. The result was same. he got his hand folded and would cry. a few times I even pinched him on his thighs . sometimes he would just let me pinch him and moan like a pussy other times he would put a feeble fight. once just because I lost positioning I ended up pinching his dick. It was small, really small. The size of dick which I had in 3rd-4th standard. Well to be frank, I would have not retorted had he slapped me. I would have slapped any boy touching my dick. but he just said 'kya kar raha hai?'
and I replied 'gilt se hua.'
a few other times too, he just accepted my bulling. I had an image in my mind, Ruchit would not stand against me. But I was so wrong.

It was a cool December day and we were on class picnic to a dam. Ruchit was not the only one who irritated me. 'Licker' as the whole class called him was the most irritating person present between us. True to his nickname  he had his mouth to all t professors butts.  well this time around he too was with us and sue tom there were girls around and with girls came the Ruchi darling too. so I was 'obviously' pissed off and diploma gang too have  revenge with 'licker'.

well so what we did was we brought a Pepsi and drank it half  and then I refilled it with my piss. well ruchit saw me pissing in the bottle and enquired
'what the fuck are you up to?'
'Aare koi muh me do iske' I shouted.
but he was fierce..
'how would you feel if you were made to dink some ones piss'
'terko pina hai kya?'
'just shut the fuck up'
he charged at me.  But was  grabbed by diploma guys, was wrestled to ground and his mouth was covered.
the timing was so superb that 'Licker' just behind could not understand what happen.
'iski itni kyu lete ho?' He asked.
'Chulta hai re' I winked and extended the bottle.
As I extended I realized my mistake, the bottle was warm due to my fresh  piss.
But now it was too late to pull my hand .
As if it happen in slow motion, Right before our eyes, He took  bottle from me , more hands were now gagging Ruchit, Licker took a big gulp and as it went down his throat he realized something was fishy.  his face tensed, realizing something sinister and fear of us back lashing on him if he charged he shouted
'kamina.. u know I don't drink.. I know its .. ITS .. DARU.... HARAMKHOR ho tum' He was stammering with anger.
A silent fear rose in my heart. What if he complained. but it never happened. Neither ruchit said anything about it. Even we felt guilty enough to speak about it ourselves. The past was left to bury the dead and that's what happen.
but surprise was that ruchit fought back... Yep he did.


It was new years eve, We were out of the college and I had just returned back from my Assignment in Australia. Ruchit and me had joined same company and somehow I had managed to get into global section and he was asked to stay as trainee. A year into his Internship he left the job in frustration with just peanuts in his bank account. I was earning a loads more , and was able to save enough to buy a Car. This was the first time we were meeting since Ruchi was jobless.
I really had no idea what Ruchi was planning, but suspected the Incidental discovery of his craving for Cock by Scotty had made him a bit unstable.
Though Scotty did not mention any other incidents, Knowing Scotty I was expecting Scotty to take full advantage of  Ruchit.
We were going to meet at eight at my other house and I had planned to uncover his mask and bring the Cocksucker to justice. Well everything was planned to perfection. We were going to play Strip Judgment ( A game of Cards, a bit different from Poker but a real fun), Scotty and I had teamed up to bare Ruchi all. Usually he was a good player and could rake on both of us single handed so I added booze to equation.
We meet at CCD at Eight, Nicky was there too. Having nicks was a problem, his membership value in our group was fuzzy. It was hard predicting his behavior and his affinity towards Ruchi was a bit more than needed. Duke was tame and would think it as a simple Joke rather than a sinister plan to get Ruchi on his knees. Fartu would be too drunk to interfere and Scotty was my dog, would wag his tail as I wanted.

The plan was good and there was no plan B. It was to keep it simple, and if something backfires it was Ruchi who was Gay not me. There was no proof with me about his gay nature but I had visited his fake account and that was enough to intimidate him.
I was waiting for the group at CCD. It was just 7 , but Duke wanted to meet me and Ruchi had agreed to accompany him early. I had my back to door, and was watching the Bakwas band kar on 9XM.
hands cupped my eyes , It was expected from Ruchi. I caught his wrist firmly and pulled him toward me.
"Ruchi darling, how's you?"
He placed his head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Abhi tak koi mili nahi kya? jo appni havas mujhpe nikal raha hai." (Did you find no1 else to hit upon?)
"mile par tera maja kuch aur hai." (Did get , but ur the best)
I released him and hugged Duke.
I enquired about Duke and told them my experiences of abroad. I was purposely trying to bring Ruchit into conversation so that he would feel ignored. Usually when he was being left out either he would sulk and sleep and grunt how bored he was or would make a story and change the entire conversation. This time he was just patiently listening.
Time flew and Fartu and Scotty joined us. I got a call from Nicky asking us to continue without him as he had some other errands.  We  left the CCD for a bar nearby hoping that it won't be full. Well it wasn't, the plan was to just have a starter and few drinks and continue with drinking at my home.
Scotty was a vicious drinker, it was not that he was pro but would get drunk fast and not only get drunk but also create scene.  I was hoping that he kept his calm. There was no plan B.
It took just a sole beer for Scotty to get in mood for abusing Ruchi and Ruchi attempted to reply back but the attempts were feeble and were thrashed by Scotty's power pack abuses.
The plan was taking a hit but just as Ruchi was in mood to leave, my ex girlfriend turned up. The abuses were damped and a bit of more drinks cooled of any problem created by Scotty's abuses.
We took of f for the home and suddenly a stupid conversation of underwear started. The topic was which brand of underwear does sports person wear. I was voting for Reebok and other sports brand.
'I thought reebok manufactures only shoes' Ruchit said
'Raste ki underwear pahen ne wale ko kya malum hoga  BRAND kya chees hai' Scotty continued abusing.
the comment was comic enough and we all had a good laugh.
laugh encouraged scotty and he continued
'Ydo u buy used underwear from road side?' he enquired to ruchit.
'just ask us for use underwear we'll give it  for free' he added.
Ruchit quickened his pace and in no time was far us.
when we reached the turn to my home , he was nowhere to be seen.
I tried calling him, but he did not pick my call.
I was worried, it was almost midnight, he was in unknown locality and the only person he knew was me.
a  quick man hunt was done from him and we went to home. I was continuously dialing his number  but the result was the same.
All I could do was just curse my luck and Scotty.

After that the only meeting I had with Ruchi was in Fartus weeding night, He was abused not only by Scotty but even by susi and I enjoyed it.
I asked him if he was gay ? and those were the last word i remember speaking to him
I tried contatcting him while leavung for Perth but all he said was mood nahi hai.
Its over a year now since I've heard his voice.
Its ok who wants to have a gay pansy as a friend ??
Not me !
let him come crawling to me if he want to save friendship.... If that what he feels our relation is ;)
Mean while why shud I worry , I have a rocking life...

Enjoying to Core
Mohit Kamth